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Showing posts from April, 2020

Are Circles Really That Important Anymore? Taking Care of My Whole Self

The day after the announcement came that schools were cancelling all classes indefinitely, I sat in my empty classroom pondering what my next moves would be. Although it was strange not being met by my students that day, I couldn't help but appreciate the solidarity. Loud and busy students were replaced with a quietness that served as my unexpected confidant as I trailed off into deep thought. Despite other staff in my building, there were few conversations apart from a short meeting, for every teacher stayed in their own rooms, trying to process the news of what would be our new normal.  As my thoughts wandered, I couldn't help but wonder if students were feeling the seriousness of the situation or enjoying a 'no school high' that likely follows a 'no more school for the rest of the year' announcement. Surely students will be hit with the new realities of not seeing their friend, teachers or school community for a while eventually? Waiting on news of what lea